Monday, July 18, 2011


Since we can't plant everything in our own backyard, we take advantage of the bounty at the local farms and markets.  This year, we've connected with River Bend Farm for a CSA share.  CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture, and it allows consumers to buy food directly from a farmer by buying in in late winter/early spring, which in turn provides the farmer with up-front, early-season cash flow.

Earlier this month we went out to River Bend for some u-pick strawberries.  Annette, the owner/manager, always jokes that she should just weigh people before and after they go out for u-pick.  After unleashing the kids on the field, I'm beginning to think that's a pretty good idea.

This picture pretty much sums up the day - she's scouting for the perfect red jewel of a berry, he's just eating as many as he can.  Now, with a little more than nine pounds of strawberries safely in the freezer, I can start dreaming of pies...and smoothies...and jam...

What's your favorite strawberry concoction?


Your new blog design is STUNNING! Love it!
Thanks Shelby! I thought it might be a little too fussy, so I'm glad to hear you like it.
Not too fussy at all!

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